Mensaje de error

  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in drupal_environment_initialize() (line 720 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 15 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 16 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 17 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 18 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 19 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 20 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 21 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 22 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 23 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 24 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 25 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 26 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 27 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 28 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 29 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 30 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 31 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 33 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 34 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in file_register_phar_wrapper() (line 35 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: include_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in drupal_settings_initialize() (line 764 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in _drupal_bootstrap_page_cache() (line 2713 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in _drupal_bootstrap_database() (line 2803 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in _drupal_bootstrap_variables() (line 2823 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/
  • Warning: require_once(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in Database::openConnection() (line 1795 of /wwwserver/vocaweb2/includes/database/


Escuela Vocacional

   Mtro. Nicolás Alonso Estrella
   Puesto: Director
   Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
   Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext.15591
   Correo electrónico:


Mtro. Raúl González Orozco
Puesto: Secretario
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext.15598
Correo electrónico:

Oficialía Mayor
Mtro. Leobardo Santiago Ruvalcava Muñoz
Puesto: Oficial Mayor Turno Matutino
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext. 15592
Correo electrónico:
Maestro: Salvador Ochoa Montes
Puesto: Oficial Mayor Turno Vespertino
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext.15592
Correo electrónico:

Control Escolar

Mtro. Oscar Romero Cárdenas  
Puesto: Encargado de Control Escolar
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext. 15600
Correo electrónico:

Coordinación Académica


Dra. Adriana del Carmen Rodriguez Zamora
Puesto: Coordinador
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext. 15608
Correo electrónico:

Servicios Educativos

Lic. Ana Teresa Magaly Aldana Parra
Puesto: Encargada de Servicios Educativos
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext.15605
Correo electrónico: 

Coordinación de Carrera

Dra. María de la Luz Enríquez
Puesto: Coordinadora
Dirección: Boulevard Marcelino García Barragán No. 32
Teléfonos: 33 36198575  33 36198628   33 36196074  Ext.15603
Correo electrónico: